about the project

The Heroes of October 7th is a project that emerged immediately after the horrific attacks
in Israel on Simchat Torah morning, October 7th, 2023. Hadassa Ben-Ari, a content creator and popular figure in Israel, began collecting stories about heroes in Israel - both military and ‘regular’ civilians - of all ages, backgrounds, and ethnicities, who used their own skills and talents to help when the nation needed it most.
These stories were presented on social media and quickly gained popularity. The world was thirsty for inspiration and hope; for seeing some goodness amidst all the darkness.
Originally published in Hebrew, a group of volunteers began to translate the stories into French and English. The team soon realized that these stories, as difficult as some of them are, show values of humanity, kindness and giving that we all aspire to as a society.
They can be used as educational resources for discussion groups, schools, amongst families,
and more.
What do we learn from The Heroes of October 7th?
What skills and talents do I have that I can use to help others?
How do we keep our perspective amongst all this darkness in today’s world?
The Heroes of October 7th is now published in Hebrew and English by Yediot Books. They are fully-illustrated books, with short stories that are written in child-friendly language, crafted under the guidance of a team of child psychologists.

Our team
Project Manager: Hadassah Ben Ari
Graphic Design: Tehila Bar Hama, Tehilula Studio
Social Media Manager: Yehudit Damari Agassi
Content editing: Naomi Toledano Kendal, Einat Barzilai, Hadassah Ben Ari, Reut Goldovski.
Editing (Hebrew): Efrat Eckstein, Hasia Gadiel, Orly Kaminer.
Authors: Yonatan Ofir, Hadassah Ben Ari, Einat Barzilai, Udi Demari Agassi, Moriah Harel, Rivki Goldfinger, Tal Weisel, Naomi Toledano Kendal, Bar Manor, Yifat Neuman, Yifat Gelber, Naama Frankel, Ora Paul, Allison Kupietzky, Rotem Ressler, Yael Shevah, Rachel Shira Ezard, Chana Spiegel, Shira Segal, Amitai Tinami, Efrat Kapach, Baruch Kempinski, Hayim Eckstein, Hayim Schreiber, Rachelo Moshkovitz, Ayala Ivgi, Racheli Mies, Shlomit Kempinski, Avital Tsur, Reut Goldovski.
English Project Manager: Dr. Allison Kupietzky
Translation (English): Dr. Juliana Brown, Avital Klang, Allison Kupietzky, Shani Noy, Rena Perlmutter
English Editor: Joslynne Halibard
Social Media Outreach (English): Elana Kaplan, Karyn Toso
Facebook Manager (English): Ariel Creditor
French Desk Manager: Rebecca Sidoun.
Translation (French): Isabelle Terrasson, Rebecca Sidoun, Fanny Glauberg, Emmanuelle Adda, Julie Tibika
French language editing: Isabel Terrason, Noa Sidoun.
Facebook (French) Manager: Rebecca Sidoun.
Office management and inquiries: Shira Shimon
Educational and diaspora coordination team:
Shira Van Dyke
Moriyah Adler
Yael Oberman
Daniel Reinitz
Liat Halevy
Racheli Amar Ninio
Website construction: Rebecca Sidoun
Use according to Article 27 A of the Copyright Law
If you are the owner of the rights, you can contact us to ask to stop use, at the email address: Giborim.kids@gmail.com